Há uma característica que se deve ter em conta numa viagem à Ilha da Madeira: num só dia podemos passar pelas quatro estacões do ano - numa ponta da ilha pode estar um sol abrasador e do outro uma brisa invernosa que nos deixa enregelados até aos ossos.
No segundo dia embarcámos num yacht logo pela manhã - sim, somos uns sortudos, a zona do Caniçal e de Machico vista do mar é uma perspectiva com a qual não contávamos. No entanto na primeira hora o céu estava completamente encoberto e cinzento, o que desanima qualquer pessoa... Mas passado algum tempo as nuvens abriram, começámos a sentir uns raios de sol e toda a paisagem ganhou um charme diferente.
There's something you should have in mind on a trip to Madeira Island: in one single day you can go through the four seasons - in one side of the island the sun might be burning and on the other side there might be a winterly breeze that will make you freeze to the bones.
On the second day we got on a yacht - yes, we are very lucky people, the Caniçal and Machico area seen from the sea is a perspective we weren't counting on. Even though on the first hour the sky was completely grey, which can be discouraging... But a while later the sky cleared up, we started to feel the sun rays and the whole landscape gained a different charm.
There's something you should have in mind on a trip to Madeira Island: in one single day you can go through the four seasons - in one side of the island the sun might be burning and on the other side there might be a winterly breeze that will make you freeze to the bones.
On the second day we got on a yacht - yes, we are very lucky people, the Caniçal and Machico area seen from the sea is a perspective we weren't counting on. Even though on the first hour the sky was completely grey, which can be discouraging... But a while later the sky cleared up, we started to feel the sun rays and the whole landscape gained a different charm.
Depois deste passeio de barco almoçámos no restaurante "O Piquinho" que tem uma vista de 360• de cortar a respiração.
After this boat trip we had lunch at "O Piquinho" which has a 360 degrees breathtaking view.
After this boat trip we had lunch at "O Piquinho" which has a 360 degrees breathtaking view.
Para digerir melhor a espetada típica fomos à venda do André, na Quinta Grande para beber uma poncha típica preparada cuidadosamente pela Dona Ilda.
To digest the traditional kebab we went to Venda do André, in Quinta Grande to drink a traditional poncha carefully prepared by Dona Ilda.
To digest the traditional kebab we went to Venda do André, in Quinta Grande to drink a traditional poncha carefully prepared by Dona Ilda.
A caminho do Cabo Girão passámos pelas cascatas na estrada da Madalena do Mar. É no mínimo estranho estranho uma cascata acabar numa estrada, com a água a embater no alcatrão, mas dá jeito a quem precisa de lavar o carro... Ou a quem se queira refrescar um pouco.
On the way to Cabo Girão we went by the waterfalls in the Madalena do Mar road. It's strange a waterfall ending on a road, where the water hits the ground, but it's handy to whoever needs a car wash... Or to whoever needs to refresh a little.
No terceiro e último dia desta nossa viagem experienciámos as cores e os sabores do mercado do Funchal. Nem sabíamos da existência de tantos tipos de maracujá diferentes, quanto mais uma fruta que sabe a ananás e banana ao mesmo tempo...
On the third and last day of this trip we experienced the colors and tastes of Funchal's market. We didn't even know there were so many different kinds of passionfruit, let alone a fruit that tastes of pineapple and banana at the same time...
Como não podia deixar de ser passeámos pela Rua de Santa Maria onde cada porta tem uma pintura diferente, andámos de teleférico e descemos as ruas nos carrinhos de cesto - uma das atracções mais conhecidas da ilha. Enfim... A Madeira é linda!
As is only to be expected we went for a walk in Santa Marta Street where each door has a different painting, rode the cable car and took a basket ride - one of the most well known attractions. Oh well... Madeira is simply stunning!