Queríamos ainda deixar uma nota de que o nosso blog não chegou ao fim! Vamos continuar a escrever, talvez não com tanta regularidade, mas sempre que algo nos chame a atenção e sempre que sentirmos a necessidade de partilhar as experiências de novos lugares, mesmo que em Portugal.
Queremos aproveitar este post também para vos deixar as imagens da nossa última semana na África do Sul que passámos nos arredores do Kruger Park. Fizemos um Safari no próprio parque, visitámos um centro de reabilitação de animais selvagens e vimos paisagens esmagadoras.
Obrigada a todos pelos comentários e sugestões ao longo da viagem! E até já ;)!
Our African adventure has come to an end, but we still want to share with you the photos of our last experience in South Africa and make an overall review of this journey. It was undoubtedly a very complete journey through three countries that gave us distinct experiences and fulfilled us in different ways. Throughout these two months we've been to paradise beaches in Mozambique, did some community service, got to know the reality of those who live with very little, went through comunication difficulties in Madagascar, got very close to the wilderness and saw vegetation we didn't even know existed, tested our tolerance and patience in lengthy journeys, got closer to the South African History and got emotional with it and we even went through winter storms... And now that everything has come to an end it's very hard for us to nominate our favorite destination because each experience completed another and we learnt different things in each place we went through.
We also wanted to leave a note that our blog has not come to an end! We will keep writing, maybe not as often, but everytime something catches our attention and everytime we feel the need to share experiences of new places, even in Portugal.
With this post we want to leave you with the photos of our last week in South Africa which we spent around Kruger Park. We did a safari, visited a wild animal rehabilitation center and saw overwhelming landscapes.
Thank you all for the comments and suggestions throughout this journey! And see you soon ;)!